Pumpkin pancakes

pumkin pancake

  Wocka-wocka-wocka-wocka…. you know what that sound is? It’s Pac-Man, swimming in syrupy goodness!

Keep it simple soup

This is barely a recipe, I know. But it is a sure-fire winner in our house, and it’s just enough work to make you feel like you’ve lovingly prepared dinner for your family, without requiring too much actual effort.

Gluten-free pumpkin chocolate chip cake

This isn’t my first waltz with gluten-free baking, but almost. I made some gluten-free cupcakes for a birthday party this summer, and let’s just say that even before I burned them they weren’t exactly winners. It’s a pretty different ball game, this gluten-free stuff. (What, how long do you expect me to sustain a single […]

Mysteriously delicious pasta sauce

So, a few months ago it was pancakes. Apparently now it’s eggplant sauce/spreads. But this recipe is actually one of my go-to dinners, even when eggplant and tomatoes aren’t busting out all over the farmers’ markets. When something is good, it’s good!


ajvar and toast

I sure am sorry I didn’t think to post this recipe for International Talk Like a Pirate Day – I just missed it, on September 19. Ajvar is pronounced aye-var, and it’s awfully fun to say it with a little nautical sneer and swagger. Arrrr!