Daddy’s Special

Simple mac and cheese v2

Some of you have been concerned that recent recipes have been too healthy and light. Well, fret no more, friends. This one suffers from no such delusions: it’s rich and oh my, it’s good.

How to make coffee in a French Press

French press is one of the cheapest ways to make a good cup of coffee. All you need is a french press and high quality coffee. Why high quality? Your french press will be very honest with you about the coffee you use: it will not mask any faults or flaws and will emphasize the […]

Espresso infused Sloppy Joes

Sloppy Joes were for me were always one of the most unappetizing things that American cuisine can offer.  Just look at them. Mushy cooked beef with store bought condiments. You plop them over cheap, additive-enriched bread, which will be with the human race long after we are gone. How could you even consider eating it? […]