Potato Pancakes (Crepes) – Zemiakove placky

Savory Slovak Potato Pancakes

My mum used to make these amazing Slovak potato pancakes. She would come home during her lunch break and make lunch for us, so it would be waiting for us when we came home from school. She made sure there was some soup and a main course. By the time we would get home, Mum was back at work, but she always left a note about what she cooked and how much we can have — with three hungry boys she left nothing to chance. I still remember that we could have 5 pancakes each.

Savory Slovak Potato Pancakes

Potato Pancakes – Zemiakove placky

This traditional Slovak recipe is delicious as a snack or as a main course after a substantial soup.


Makes enough for 3-4 people

  • 2 pounds/1 kg whole potatoes
  • 1 egg
  • 4-5 cloves of garlic
  • 1/2 tsp pepper
  • 1 tsp majoram – optional
  • 1 cup/240 ml milk
  • 6 tbs flour
  • 3/4 tsp salt
    • Boil the potatoes in a large pot of salted water until you can just pierce them with a fork. Drain and let them cool for a minute or two.
    • Peel the potatoes and grate them on a fine grater.
    • Add egg, smashed garlic, pepper, salt, majoran, milk and the flour. Batter should be a thick liquid.
    • Preheat a crepe pan or a nonstick pan to medium low heat. Grease it and add about a ladle’s worth of batter. Fry 4 minutes on each side.
    • Enjoy
  • Method


3 Responses

  1. Oh, I love zemiakove placky… Now we are eating more often the french version (without garlic and marjoram) beacuse I’m lazy and I let my boyfriend to fry them (and he prefers the french version). One of the dishes they MUST be eaten directly from the frying pan and not heated!

  2. Trapacska, Lapcsánka or Tócsni in Hungary (depending on region spicing and shape / thickness) …
    I’m sure my mom grated the potato raw, shredding into fine strips and squeezing out excess water before mixing with the flour, egg and seasoning – if you cook the potato I guess it has to be done very lightly ? Also double the egg and no milk (some like to add a tablespoon of sour cream).
    Had this in Prague folded and filled with pörkölt, likewise a favourite in my local Polish pub … seems a pan Eastern European staple !
    Must give it a try 🙂

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