Your 2009 guide to hangover prevention
The most important thing is drink responsibly ( I know, you think blablablabla). But really, this is the best tip. As you get older, hangovers get worse, so you will learn to drink responsible eventually. But what to do if you accidentally drink more than you planned?
Sandwiches – the drunkard’s delight
It is time to drink yourself to death in order to celebrate the new year. At least that’s what we do in central Europe. Along with huge amounts of alcohol we also serve plenty of food and we blow ourselves up with firecrackers and fireworks. We have a saying: “as it is on New Year’s […]
Letcho or Lecso

Lecsó (or letcho) is an important part of Hungarian cuisine. Summer in the village smells of people making letcho, as the gardens overflow with ripe tomatoes and peppers. Letcho is the basis for plenty of Hungarian meals, including goulash, paprikash, or porkolt. This time of year, people are starting to open the jars of letcho […]
Grenadir mars – Potato pasta

You will find this in hardly any cookbook, despite the fact that grenadir mars is a very common dish in Central Europe. It is made very often and served with pickles or green salad. It is very easy and fast to make and it is very customizable to suit your palate – feel free to […]
Dumplings with Sheep Cheese – Bryndzové Halušky
This morning we decided to do something special, something very Slovak. With this post I would like to introduce you to a great meal and also to the Slovak “miracle”, bryndza. Bryndza is an EU-trademarked Slovak ricotta-type sheep cheese. Recently it went through thorough tests and the health benefits were surprising. Bryndza apparently helps to […]