Farro salad with cumin-yogurt dressing

I’ve kept you on pins and needles waiting for this recipe, haven’t I? To be honest, I delayed posting it because I wasn’t as happy with it the last time I made it and wanted to make a few adjustments, so you see, I had your welfare in mind all along. Well, that and we […]
Bulgur with a little bit of everything

I just realized I’ve been making this salad for six or seven years, and every time I make it I seem to add something more, to the point where by now it’s less of a bulgur salad than a salad with some bulgur in it. Are you sitting there wondering what bulgur is?
Light and lively fresh corn salad with grilled chicken

So, I have become kind of obsessed with this corn “relish” recipe from the most recent Everyday Food. It’s about as simple as it gets, there’s no cooking involved. None! As we were chowing down tonight, Valerian asked “why do we even cook corn?” because it is so so tasty hacked right off the cob. […]
Guest post – seaweed popcorn
Today we feature our first guest blogger – Mr. B, our kindergartner. School was out last week and so we spent some time together in the kitchen, as it seems we have an up-and-coming chef in the family. He has authored one cookbook already.
Paraj – creamy spinach soup

Here’s a weeknight special from the menu plan. Paraj (“pa-rye”) is a Hungarian comfort food classic. It’s something you can get from one of the fast-food főzelék places around Budapest, or even pick up in the frozen food aisle at the grocery store. But it’s ridiculously quick and easy to make yourself, and you can […]