I love the Hungarian Potato Bread. It hasn’t been long since we featured the recipe here on Emperor’s Crumbs, and I’m still making it a few times a week. I was playing with it, tweaking the technique, and finally I decided that this recipe works the best. And for refreshing content I made a video for you.
Hungarian Potato Bread
If possible use bread flour. In this video I am using Trader Joe’s all-purpose flour. Russet potatoes are ideal for this recipe, because they are nice and floury. The potato has a few roles in the bread making: it keeps the bread moist, adds a mild potato flavor to the crumb and a light bitterness to the crust.

Hungarian Potato Bread
2014-06-10 00:56:23

Serves 5
Thick crunchy crust and rewardingly soft and moist crumb. The ultimate bread to accompany any meal.
Prep Time
15 min
Cook Time
1 hr
Prep Time
15 min
Cook Time
1 hr
- 3 cups bread flour
- 1/4 tsp instant yeast
- 2 tsp salt
- 1 large russet potato
- 1 1/3 cups water
- Peel and dice the potato, then rinse off the starch in a colander. Cook it until soft enough to pierce with a fork. Once soft strain the water and let it cool.
- In a large bowl mix flour yeast and salt. Mash the potato (or put it through a ricer) and add it to the flour mixture.
- Add 1 cup of water and then more if necessary. The dough should be on the sticky side. Put it in a clean bowl and cover with plastic wrap.
- Let it rise at room temperature for 12-18 hours. After 12-18 hours you should have a elastic and a little bit sticky dough.
- Prepare a baking dish ( I used a small square stoneware baking dish) put it into the oven and preheat the oven to 500 F.
- Turn out the dough onto a floured surface and fold it into a loaf. Generously sprinkle with flour. Let it rise another hour.
- Dust the baking dish with flour and carefully put in the loaf. Cover it with tinfoil and bake it for 25-30 minutes.
- After 25-30 minutes, uncover and bake another 30-40 minutes or until the bread gets dark and crusty. That is what we want!
- When the first loaf is ready you can bake the second one as above.
- In the video I promised you a secret trip for extra crusty crust. When the bread is almost done, say 10 minutes before you want to take it out, turn off the oven and leave it open slightly (1″).
- Let it cool before you eat it.
Emperors Crumbs https://emperorscrumbs.com/
4 Responses
Born Appetite!
Hey do you take requests? I am trying to figure out how to make “pugach” or “pagach” (not certain of the spelling). My grandma used to make it but some of the recipes online seem to be something completely different made with cabbage. What we called pugach was a heavy bread with potatoes and sharp cheese.
It is surprising to me to see so much french cooking online, even though america doesn’t really have that big of a french immigrant community. America (north east anyway) does however have plenty of Poles, Slovaks, Germans etc, but what happened to all the cooking?
I am planning to do pogacsa. Very soon. The thing with pogacsa is that there are 1milion different types and flavors. The one I will do will be my mum’s rustic potato and a pumpkin seed – Daubner Czukrazda copy cat one. Daubner is the best sweet shop in Hungary. It is treasure of Budapest guarded from tourists. And they have also amazing pogacsa’s. The once I will make are yeast based. There are pogacsa which are “fat” based and they are almost like flake pastry. 99.9% of pogacsa are made in the oven. I have seen them also deep fried and maaan they tasted good! 😉
I’ve seen this recipe posted on reddit some time ago and finally got around to trying it out myself. It turned out fantastic, just like the one in the photograph. It tasted great and my whole family loves it, too. Next time I will double the ingredients to make a larger loaf as this one looks bigger than it really is.
Thanks for the recipe, and I’ll keep an eye out on your blog.